OUR VISIONWe believe that children and youth are unique individuals, and they make the world beautiful. Encouraging and empowering our children and youth today puts them in a position to lead tomorrow. By equipping them with self-confidence, self-control, community involvement, literacy and academic success we can change the course of their generation one child at a time. With the help of volunteers, community leaders, family and friends we can rebuild a level of trust and reassurance that is missing in our communities.
We strive to deliver academic and extra-curricular opportunities to improve our students' overall academic achievement. We teach them the meaning of integrity, hard work, and instill in them a never-give-up spirit. After becoming involved with Cool Kids' Committee, Inc., students in our program gain academic self-confidence and foster positive relationships with others like them. Academic success is a valuable life long benefit.
OUR MISSION The mission of the Cool Kids Committee, (Courageous Outspoken Outgoing Leaders Kind Independent Determined) Inc. is to positively influence the lives of at-risk youth through a Gang and Bullying Prevention Program by uniquely bridging partnerships with local law enforcement, schools, community leaders, and parents to build a sense of awareness, love, and unity through communication and social interaction.